Haiti Marathon Story 2011

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Haiti Update

Less than 30 days before we head back to Haiti! My family has been more than supportive of my hope for joining a team who desires hope and change for these beautiful children. One look into the eyes of this little boy and you will know what I am talking about.
The learning process has been incredible to say the least. In order to better serve Haiti, one must learn about Haiti. I have to tell you, I live a very simple life. Most people would say I am street smart but not "world" smart. My pastor often teases me by catching me off guard with simple questions about who holds certain positions in political office. I would almost always get the answer wrong and laugh like crazy to hide my embarrassment. Yet, something got a hold of me in Haiti. Since returning, I have been consumed with a hunger for world news. With CNN on morning, noon, and night, and daily searches for any news of Haiti , I'm feeling like like my school days are upon me once again. Yesterday, I came home from the library with 12 books about Haiti as well as 3 DVD's that are sure to teach me everything I need to know, right??? Hmmmmmm, maybe not...
Anyhow, if you are in the same study mode, here are a few books I have read recently which have spurred my passion and given me a wealth of helpful information: Paul Farmers "Mountains Beyond Mountains" which addresses the desperate health care needs of Haiti--- "Not On Our Watch" which speaks to the issue of genocide----- " Angels of a Lower Flight."
A woman's story of turning her painful life into a life of hope serving the children of Haiti.
This week my prayers have been answered in a simple call from New Jersey. Denise is a wonderful woman! She is also a volunteer for Hopegivers International and shares the same passion for Haiti as I do. She gets it completely! Speaking with her about Willio, the children, and the plans in store has given me the confidence I needed in knowing we are heading in the right direction on this unknown path. Not only is she the vice president of the company she works for, she has all of the strategic planning skills I have been praying for in the past several weeks. I am amazed at the people the Lord has faithfully brought together for the good of His hope in Ouanaminthe. Denise has agreed to travel to Haiti with us this February, and together our team will assess the exact needs of Willio and the children to determine what falls in the scope of Hopegivers ministry. Other needs will be routed to other ministries that can better serve them. It's a start and one I am anxiously thrilled to begin.
Please pray for our safety, health and for us to be a blessing to all we come in contact with. This is not our journey but one that I believe the Lord has put into motion. We are only his servants and I am so thrilled, honored, and humbled to be part of it. I can't wait to see where it goes from here!


Kristi said...

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!

KimKiesewetter said...

Martha! I cannot wait to get back to Haiti with you and our amazing team.

T and T Livesay said...

How exciteing for you!